Installation Services

Blue Light Services
We specialise in blue light services. Thats why we are the obvious choice for your response vehicle requirements. Intelligent control systems, industry leading lighting and audible warning solutions, racking and internal stowage, communication accessories and internal charges. From the on call Doctor to a fully equipped NHS first response car. We build them all.

Recovery & Highways Services
From HGV Rescue Rotator vehicles to Slide beds, Incident Manager and Service Vans, We have you covered. Amber beacons, show lighting, nudge bars, message displays, livery and reflective markings, compressors, 12/24v jump start systems, spill kits, towbars and vehicle safety systems. We build exactly what you need to keep the wheels turning.

Telematics & CCTV
With the never ending rise in fraudulent insurance claims and vehicle theft, it has never been more important to protect your asset. We can install systems that actively monitor vehicle blindspots, driver behaviour and vehicle efficiency to further reduce your fleet operating costs and bring you closer to carbon nuetral goals.

Security & Welfare Services
Mobile CCTV, Command and Welfare vans. Dog units, Response Units and Patrol Cars. We build the vehicle you need to carry out your duties effectively and safely. Wether its a discreet surveilance unit or a fully marked patrol/response car.

Chapter 8 Vehicle Services
We offer a range of highway maintenance vehicle services. We supply and fit Chapter 8 compliant vehicle lighting and graphics, as well as work lights and safety systems to enable crews to work safely and effectively.

Leisure Vehicles & Motor Homes
Motorhomes, Day Vans, Race vehicles and Welfare Vehicles are notoriously difficult to spec and equip. We offer onebox solutions for all types of leisure vehicles. Our range of interior lighting, insulation and carpet/cladding lining ensures your vehicle presents well, whilst our behind the scenes power management, solar chargers and mains power solutions give you the power you need to make effective use of the vehicle.